Fitness and Weight Management

People who are overweight or obese have higher risks for a host of health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and infertility. To help Montgomery County residents who want to lose and maintain a healthy weight, AAHP offers health coaching and fitness instruction.

AAHP's Weight Management Program

AAHP offers a weight management program to help Montgomery County residents achieve their weight goals regardless of starting point! If the goal is weight management, loss, or gain, AAHP can assist in tailoring a program to your specific needs without adding to stress.

The weight management program provides:

  • one-on-one coaching sessions
  • group activities, including support groups and bi-weekly fitness walks
  • health and fitness instruction
  • assistance with designing meal plans focused on balancing macronutrients in your diet, and
  • various levels of exercise routines

The AAHP program is intended to be very collaborative between the client and program coordinators. AAHP considers all program participants “family” with whom we work together, judgment-free, to support individual goals and overall fitness and healthy lifestyles that align with and can be incorporated into your daily routines.

AAHP’s main objective is to help identify sustainable effective tools and habits that promote overall fitness and wellness and reduce the risk of chronic disease. We want to inspire and encourage daily movement for a permanent lifestyle change. Together we work hard but we make sure we enjoy the journey.

Learn more or sign up for the Weight Management Program by contacting:

Stacy Gantz


Health Promotion Class: Zumba


Taught by a trained exercise professional on zoom, AAHP's Zumba classes combine aerobics and dance to add fun and spice to anyone's exercise regimen. Caribbean and Latin music energizes and motivates participants to get moving from the comfort of their own home.

Learn more about AAHP's Health Promotion classes here.

Health Promotion Class: Yoga


Yoga can help manage stress, improve flexibility, and improve overall health. Taught by Dr. Kelsey Ball, a phycologist and yoga professional, AAHP's yoga classes aim to help participants put into practice mind-body exercises that benefit both physical and mental health. Participants will perform guided yoga poses and discuss wellness techniques.

Learn more about AAHP's Health Promotion classes here.

The African American Health Program is funded and administered by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services and implemented by McFarland & Associates, Inc.
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
(240) 777-1833
©Copyright 2021 African American Health Program
Site design by SIA Creative & Digital
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